La Poule Misstinguett
UAll of a sudden feathers fly, a hen house opens and Nathalie Romier appears on stage with her famous quick change show, morphing from one star to another. In a split second the costumes changes will amaze you and you'll discover an array of stars that your eyes won't believe in.This show has been an international attraction for a while, written and directed by Jérome Murat. From Aznavour to Bardot or Barbara, you'll sit among the biggest stars of the past of the French repertoire, surrounded by black eagles and a little bit of madness.This attraction was played at the famed club Don Camillo, at the Conseil Constitutionnel de Paris and also at the Hermines d'or before being played at the national festival of magic (FFAP) in october 2015. She wins and is Champion of Magic France.